
for real?

I know I've been bad about updating this thing lately, so here's a quick rundown of what's been happening down here in Miami:
  • I was in rehearsals for three weeks straight, during which I got to know Miss Saigon on an intimate level and build a lot of new friendships.
  • We opened the show last week and are pretty much now on our feet, for better and for worse.
  • I've rediscovered my intense love for sunshine and beaches.
I cannot even begin to describe the sheer happiness I've been feeling these last couple weeks. I'm so immensely blessed to be doing what I love in the company of amazing people. So much of it feels like a dream, and often times, I wonder what I ever did to deserve this kind of greatness. I've fallen in love with Miami, and the weather keeps me smiling 24/7. Palm trees, coconuts, freeways, cars, cheap beer, Latin music, excellent food... It's no wonder I don't miss New York. It will be interesting to see what it will be like when I return this summer.

For now, the best I can do is embrace each day and send praise to God for all the blessings. I mean, is this for real? Oh yeah, baby, you better believe it.