After being missing in action for the past few weeks, I have re-entered the real world, the world without theatre. And I must admit, it isn't nearly as fun. Granted, being in a production meant that my free time was almost entirely devoted to rehearsals and performances and my body was being pushed to its physical limit (I am ridiculously sore and I have so many bruises I could be mistaken for a cheetah). But it also gave me an unparalleled sense of accomplishment and happiness.
High School Musical together wasn't easy, for many reasons. While waiting in the wings just minutes before our opening performance, I still wondered whether we could actually pull the thing off. But we did, and with flying colors at that. Throughout this process, I learned a lot, primarily about the type of working environment I prefer to be in. I learned that I have a certain type of resilience. And I learned to trust myself, my skills, my learning ability, and my talent.
I was surprised to receive such positive reviews for my acting debut. I had a handful of kids from our audiences ask me for my autograph; one even asked me to be her teacher. Parents thanked me for my comedic performance. The best compliment I received was from an older man, who said I was his favorite to watch on stage, both during the times when I was up front leading a scene and during the times when I was in the background, supporting a scene. He commented on my intense sense of focus and my ability to contribute to the action on the stage in the most appropriate of ways. He asked if I was a professional actor, which simultaneously made me laugh out of courtesy and beam out of pride. He left with a handshake and a promise that he would keep an eye out for me in the theatre community.
This experience has showed me that I really do have the potential to pursue performing, whether it be professionally or within the community. Looking forward to summer musicals, I will use the coming months to refine my skills and techniques and evaluate how far I want to take this this. Seriously though, performing for a living? Que cool.
Amalia and me backstage, dressed as high school students/ensemble members
Me and Nick as Chloe and James
Alex and me as Coach Bolton and Ms. Darbus