
the end

After eight years, I have decided to bring my online blog to a close.

Things are much different than they were eight years ago. When I started blogging, it was to try and fit in with all the cool kids who had their own online blogs. I wanted to say I did the things they did, knew the things they did, started trends the way they did. Back then, I only wrote about the good stuff. A few years down the line, I only wrote about the bad stuff. Nowadays, I write about the inspiring stuff.

But none of that comprises the entire story. Because of the nature of blogging, my words become public domain, and there are some things I'd rather not have the public know about. Over the years, blogging has transformed from a kind of personal exhibition to my own personal reflection, so I'd prefer to keep it like that. Personal.

I will continue writing on my own. I'm toying with a couple of subject blog ideas, but who knows if those will actually come to fruition. For now, I'll keep my words to myself and see where the future takes me.

Thanks to those who have followed along all these years. It really was nice to be heard.

Goodbye, blogosphere. It's been awesome.

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