As I mentioned in my last post, I had a couple of furniture mishaps that needed fixing. So this past Tuesday, I made a reservation with the Harlem branch of Enterprise Rent-A-Car, got myself a set of wheels for the day, and ventured into Paramus, New Jersey, where the nearest Ikea is located. I was assigned to a Ford Taurus, but the car wasn't ready when I got there, so I got a PT Cruiser instead. It ended up being to my benefit because the back seat was able to fit more of my furniture and purchases from both Ikea and Target, which I stumbled upon while driving around in the morning, waiting for Ikea to open. I had a really fun time being able to drive again - though I was extremely cautious because I was, admittedly, terrified of driving in New York, and I'm sure my fellow motorists didn't appreciate me driving 10 miles under the speed limit the whole time, but whatever - and it was nice to get out of New York for a day. The only downside was trying to get my furniture pieces down and up from my fourth-floor walk up apartment. Turned out to be a pretty good workout though, and a little soreness never hurt anyone.
Here are a few pictures from my adventures in the Garden State:
The PT Cruiser I rented, in the Target parking lot
I crossed the George Washington Bridge into NJ - $8 toll back into NY! Insane!
My new dresser, all pieces included
My one piece of decor includes pictures of my four favorite places in the world - Berkeley, New York, San Francisco, Venice
My workstationThere are only a few more things I need: purple walls and a MacBook. Oh yeah, and a roommate and her dog, and they're moving in this afternoon!
In other news, I got a new job! I'll be working as a server at a restaurant on the Upper West Side starting this coming week. So much closer to home and work, and I'll be making a lot more money. Many thanks are owed to my friend Pete for all the support and guidance.
And that concludes my first month in New York. Woo!
woohoo! Looks good!!
Awww, the dresser and pictures are cute. Can't wait to see it all in person some day...
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