
looking forward

The start of a new year always feels like a chance to start from scratch. Erase all the bad things and begin again with good. That's what I'm hoping for anyway.

This year is unlike many others because for the first time in my life, I don't really know what's coming. I'm so used to being able to plan out the year ahead, make a rough draft of a plan of action. But because of all the changes that have happened in recent months, I can't even begin to imagine where I'll be three, six, nine, or twelve months from now. I'm graduating in October, and with that in mind, I'll be auditioning for performance jobs starting around June. Whether or not I'll get one is a big mystery. Will I still be in New York City by this coming fall? Will I still be working toward this huge goal of mine, or will I be shunted back to hallways, cubicles, and filing cabinets? Will I be surrounded by friends and loved ones, or will I be alone, once again? I wish I had even the slightest inkling.

I don't like feeling so unprepared. It's not like me. Though I suppose it's a good learning experience. Or something.

Don't have much else to say at the moment... Except that my first act of 2009 was one of forgiveness. That has to be good sign.

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